Lightroom Classic Vs Lightroom CC

In this video, Ed Gregory from photos in color reviews the differences between Lightroom Classic and Lightroom CC.


Here are the major points fro the video

  • Lightroom used to be a number of different products, you had Lightroom 4 5 & 6 these were standalone products you would purchase it once and use it forever.
  • Then what Lightroom did was they introduced Lightroom cc Lightroom Creative Cloud monthly subscription about $10 a month and you could basically get all of the updates forever but it was still a program that lived on your computer.
  • Now they also had Lightroom Mobile, which was basically a small application that worked on phones and tablets so that’s what it used to be take that idea scrap it and throw it out of the door because today everything has changed they now have Lightroom cc and Lightroom classic CC so we know what we had before.
  • Lightroom Classic is basically you had like room 4 5 & 6.
  • Lightroom CC is a brand-new product that Lightroom have launched. it’s likeLightroom classic, but it’s not an application that only runs on your desktop instead this application can run on your phone your tablet or your desktop and all of your files are not stored locally. They’re all stored in the cloud.