Share Photos From Lightroom Directly to Facebook

Hard Drive Publish Services are nice and all, but I think you all will really get excited with the Facebook and Flickr Publish Service functions built into Lightroom.

Not only can you upload and track photos to specific albums and locations, you can also manage your comments on each image straight from Lightroom.

Just a note, the Facebook Publish Services function can be a little buggy. But, hopefully over time those kinks should get worked out through updates to Facebook and Lightroom.

So, in this video you’ll see how to set up the Facebook Publish Services. In the next video, we will move on to the Flickr Publish Services.


Why would you want to publish directly to Facebook? Perhaps that is your primary portoflio and you’re not looking to display your images anywhere else. Or perhaps you’re looking to make Facebook specific edits, changes or optimizations to your images.